Link: End Wokeness on X: "BREAKING: Springfield police report on August 28 records resident reporting a neighbor's cat was stolen and cut up. Report obtained by u/OversightPR." / X (

We all know what's coming next.

"It was only one incident with a cat."

"The report doesn't specify Haitian."

"Okay, the report specifies a Haitian neighbor. But the Haitian was just doing a voodoo ritual. He didn't eat the cat."

"Okay, he ate the cat. But that's a good thing; it helps the environment."

Posted by EntranceCrazy918

1 Comment

  1. EntranceCrazy918 on

    For those wondering, the Oversight Project is a legal and media team put together by the Heritage Foundation. They claim the police report is 100% authentic, but the report indicates the officer is unsure if the cat was actually being cut up or eaten. Nonetheless, the media and government officials lied about not receiving a single report. Once again – the left lied. Iron rule of politics: the left will always lie if it helps them.

    [The Oversight Project | The Heritage Foundation](

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