Arizona admits that nearly 100,000 non-citizen ‘voters’ wrongly listed on voter rolls amid lawsuit

Posted by yuri_2022


  1. integrityandcivility on

    Hmmmm. More than the margin in the 2020 election. But shush, can’t come to the natural conclusion….

  2. Cool_Addendum_1348 on

    Sooo not shocked. The amount of new voter registrations in Maricopa (phoenix) in summer to fall 2020 was an anomaly. Numbers are online to fact check. Almost no one showed for a Biden or Harris rally while Trump’s were packed so I did an analysis (this is my home territory). Many people received multiple mail ballots. Why was that??

    I think a group rounded up unregistered voter lists and registered them…then voted for them during a time of the epidemic crisis…mail in votes. Hoping things are different this time around…I did have to reregister a few weeks ago so it seems people are verifying voter registrations.

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