Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Tina Smith: Our Solution to the Housing Crisis

Posted by HMID_Delenda_Est


  1. I don’t really care how as long as it gets more stuff built and is not an excuse for stopping the private market from building stuff.

  2. messymcmesserson2 on

    > There is another way: social housing. Instead of treating real estate as a commodity, we can underwrite the construction of millions of homes and apartments that, by law, must remain affordable. Some would be rental units; others would offer Americans the opportunity to build equity. These models of rent caps and homeownership are already working around the world, such as in Vienna, and in some parts of the United States.

    Yeah, I’m glad AOC is supportive of Harris but I really don’t think she’s the future of the Dems, at least I hope not

  3. The cost to rent a 1 bed 1 bath apartment in my bumfuck city is ludicrous. We need more apartments to hit the market, building them is a good use of tax dollars

  4. IllustriousWeird5198 on

    They open by explaining the “inhumane conditions” of public housing, but then propose more public housing paid for by the Federal Government.

    Is there a housing crisis in NY? Maybe it’s too expensive if you want to live in the trendy areas of the city, but if you go 1-2 hours into “upstate” NY, there’s plenty of affordable housing. Check out Amsterdam, NY, a really beautiful city outside of Albany. The issue with Amsterdam is its small economy with minimal jobs. The same author who was against giving tax breaks for 25k Amazon jobs in NYC, which required no government cash spending, is now okay with the government spending cash on housing.

    Of course this bill won’t pass. Why would you use the Federal Government to solve a local problem? Not even sure this would pass in the NY State assembly. We’ve seen city governments around NY tackle this issue…why not start there?

  5. groovygrasshoppa on

    Housing is primarily a state issue, which is where efforts should be focused. The applicability of federal involvement is narrowly limited.

  6. Abolish the faircloth Amendment.

    Let’s do public housing again, but instead of neutering it to protect private operators… Let’s just not do that.

    Do some housing deregulation as well tho.

    We can’t just expect a government that had been shedding state capacity to do stuff to make it happen, and we don’t have the vast swathes of economically productive land that’s under state control, like Vienna.

    Private actors will be necessary. For private actors to act, we can’t let 80 year olds shout down every last duplex because they’re scared that even a single one rising will result in Chief Keef kicking their door in and raping their granddaughter at gunpoint.

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