We all know if the devices exploded in Israel the media would instantly be calling it a "terrorist attack." So please don't try to argue it wasn't a terrorist attack. I have two theories why the US is not condemning Israel:

Theory 1:

  1. Israel goads Lebanon into declaring war on Israel.
  2. Israel believes it can depend on the US war machine to defend it (and at the expense of the US).
  3. US plays right into Israel's hands.

Theory 2:

This was a military experiment done on the public (something the US has quite a history of doing to its own people) and the US was just as interested in seeing the results.

Edit: "…the pager bombs were clearly intended to target individual civilians – diplomats and politicians – who were not directly participating in hostilities. The plan appeared to produce what lawyers might call “excessive incidental civilian harm”. Both these arguments have been levelled at Russia to claim Moscow was committing war crimes in Ukraine. It’s hard to say why the same reasoning is not applied to Israel – apart from that it is a western ally."

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/sep/18/the-guardian-view-on-israels-booby-trap-war-and-unacceptable


Posted by Petros505


  1. The United States has given billions to Israel. Billions. What would it look like if the US started criticizing them?

  2. We’re a few steps even before that.

    Israel has not claimed responsibility.

    The US has not attributed the “incident” to Israel.

    The US is very committed to calling it an “incident” and not an “attack”.

  3. “don’t try to argue it wasn’t a terrorist attack”

    Actually I think that the definition is not that simple.
    Since they sent the code to specific devices they were targeting specific individuals. However since they sent all the codes simultaneously in order to maximize the effect, they did not know where every device was placed, nor what every target was doing.

    So since they did not consider that people could be driving and lose control of vehicles, or that children might be playing with the devices they showed a disregard for innocents in order to attack their targets.

    So I don’t find it as cut-and-dry.

  4. Because it’s in the context of ongoing armed conflict and constitutes what is now referred to hybrid warfare. So if you have a country you do what you want, and if you don’t you’re a terrorist and anything goes. It’s apparently the new status quo.

  5. SilencedObserver on

    Because the US is Israel’s little fuck boy and if the USA bites the hand that feeds it, it’s possible more pagers could go off.

    Seriously though, the USA is a corrupt machine that Israel has the dirt on. There’s a reason Americans are supporting genocide at the moment.

  6. If you are getting daily rocket attacks from a territory, is anything you do in response really terrorism, or is it just undeclared war?

  7. Because the US won’t condemn anything Israel does. They could nuke an entire village of orphaned babies playing with puppies and it would be considered acceptable.

  8. From what I understand so far. Hezbollah (a terrorist organization) stopped using cell phones, because they were being tracked, so they use pagers. These pagers were probably intercepted by “someone”, then modified, and used as explosives to take out a terrorist group organizing. Soooo….If we were attacked by a group of evil doers, we’d do the same. War sucks, but you’re in it to win it.

  9. What can Israel do other than let themselves get blown up by rockets? They found a way to fight back without harming any civilians but nope we’re still gonna call them terrorists.

  10. 1. Hizboullah is a criminal terrorist organization that has taken more and more power because the Lebanese economy is broken, and Iran funds this criminal organization.

    2. Hezboullah exists to destroy Israel, and there is no meaningful dispute between Lebanon and Israel

    3. Hizboullah has targeted Northern Israel defenses and has killed civilians and army personnel in these missile attacks. These attacks number 50 a day on some days. No one’s missile defense system is 100%.

    4. The entire world and the public in Lebanon have tolerated this criminal organization’s existence. UN observers and others in Lebanon are held ‘hostage” to the bully of Hezbollah, and Iran.

    5. Why is everyone crying for them.

  11. Tired_of_politics_75 on

    Or… hear me out… people are tired of getting attacked and take matters in their own hands

  12. Hezbollah is funded and supported by Iran. Iran is an enemy nation to the US. Israel is a strategic ally of the US offering intelligence, technology, and a foothold in a region that mostly doesn’t like the US. It’s not a conspiracy. It’s super simple. That and we give them money to buy our own weapons and it keeps the industrial military machine turning.

  13. Is it a terrorist attack or just extremely smart military tactics? If you have those devices. Know they are going directly into the pockets of the enemy. You know they are easy to turn into deadly weapons. Why wouldn’t you exploit that? From what I’ve seen it has been an extremely successful military attack.

    This is war, guys. You don’t play nice because they won’t either. If you see an opportunity you take it. Likewise, if you see an opportunity for peace you take that when you can.

  14. Western countries apparently cannot commit terrorism. 

    Drone strike a wedding party – not terrorism 

    Use 2000lbs bombs in neighborhoods and hospitals – not terrorism 

    Use pagers as bombs to blow people up – not terrorism

  15. WatermelonFreedom on

    Also read how they intentionally maim the population, not just kill, to put a further strain on those left living

  16. Vinylforvampires on

    Israel is basically America’s DBA in the middle east.

    You like all the creature comforts in America powered by that sweet black gold? Well then you kind of need a presence in the most fertile area of the world for that.

    Hamas, ISIS, whatever…. They are just paper tigers propped up by the CIA so all of us feel righteous in invading and sending money to that area.

  17. You anti-Semites, watch out for your iPhones, laptops, Teslas, TVs.All devices that can connect to the Internet

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