I tried to warn you.

Posted by jtbic


  1. Ham or CB band. I’m sure a lot of people have a couple old ass CB radios buried in a box somewhere but likely don’t have any antennas sittin around.

    Interesting idea, but likely only work on newer equipment, but ya never know.

  2. I don’t know if the pager and walkie talkie attacks used the specific potential exploit you outlined or something else. But it definitely highlighted a grave concern, that our technology can potentially be used as a weapon against us in ways we just never anticipated. Whether by state actors or just malicious people, many of our devices might have hidden, lethal vulnerabilities. What was done to Hezbollah some might dismiss or excuse because they don’t like Hezbollah, but this is something that should concern everyone who has a device with a battery and an opinion someone else might not like.

  3. Thinks_too_far_ahead on

    This post was about a “kill signal” the disabled audio, not triggering an explosive secretly installed in the hardware. Two completely different things and you’re acting like you saw the explosives coming? Schizo much lol.

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