Secret Service Knew of 5 Assassination Teams Hunting DJT But Took Assets Away

Posted by Rinoremover1


  1. People wonder how normal German citizens became Nazis. This right here folks, the propaganda machine in full force. The left is desensitizing you to multiple assassination attempts, gas lighting you telling you Trump is the reason he’s getting targeted, and then moving the needle slightly further every day, now some are coming out and all but saying they want Trump assassinated and he deserved it.

    Now you have redditors,media who openly support Trumps death and not a thing is done about it, it’s absolutely sickening and this countries just about toast.

  2. (D)emocracy dies when (D)emons (D)o things in the (D)ark that (D)estroys America so that (D)emocrats can gain power

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