I’m the Republican Governor of Ohio. Here Is the Truth About Springfield.

Posted by gary_oldman_sachs


  1. Thatthingintheplace on

    Well, i knew he couldnt come outright and disavow trump and vance, but the best DeWine can offer is apparently dissapointment. Im expecting this to stay in the news until election day because trump and vance refuse to drop it, but other than being one more point to disparage family with “so yoy are okay with the outright racism” i doubt it changes many minds

  2. >The Biden administration’s failure to control the southern border is a very important issue that Mr. Trump and Mr. Vance are talking about and one that the American people are rightfully deeply concerned about.

    We should never allow these people to weasel their way out of accepting the reality that Trump killed the bipartisan border bill.

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