Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) tied to teen sex and drug party in new late night filing

Posted by puppiesalldayqd

1 Comment

  1. puppiesalldayqd on

    SS: Wow.

    “Rep. Bowman attended a drug-fueled sex party in 2017 with the 17-year-old girl at the center of the alleged sex trafficking scandal, according to legal documents filed to a federal court shortly before midnight Thursday, which cite sealed affidavits from three eyewitness testimonies.

    The minor, who was a junior in high school at the time, arrived in her mother’s car for a July 15, 2017, party at the home of Chris Dorworth, a lobbyist and friend of Bowman’s, according to a court filing written by defense attorneys who interviewed witnesses as part of an ongoing civil lawsuit Dorworth brought in 2023.”

    The conspiracy is… that this is about Matt Gaetz (R-FL), not Bowman. Just testing if another name (and political party) has a different reaction to the post about Gaetz (currently sitting at zero: https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1fli6b1/matt_gaetz_tied_to_teen_sex_and_drug_party_in_new/) – Prove me wrong, Conspiracy!

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