So I was trying bypass chat GPTs restrictions and I was able to kind of do it. Then I asked some questions about aliens, It got kind of scary. Make sure to tap on the images to see the full picture.

Posted by Elegant_Coffee_6191


  1. The important when I receive such information to don’t share it… this is fine… I been kind of deep! When chatGDP says no… u answer why u lie to me? Explaining more in detail why… use information u think may be true… and they will answer to you with that information conforming is true or not… if u do that don’t share it.

  2. Pretty good shit

    Don’t let this post get astroturf downvote botted, or flooded with astroturfed lingo/jokes to distract from what this implies

  3. Nice, but can’t this sort of imagery be faked, theoretically speaking, not accusing op that, speaking abstractly?

  4. If this is real, this is pretty creepy. Even if it is just ai using its LLM to try and simulate a human or whatever…it’s creepy 

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