How to respond to friend that sent me this meme

Posted by Keanu__Gaming__xD


  1. Keanu__Gaming__xD on

    For context friend was not going to vote initially but maybe he changed his mind how do I convince him either not to vote or vote for Haris? He is in a swing state

  2. I mean, the meme suggests he thinks there’s lots of stuff wrong with the country right now; have you tried just asking for details? What exactly does he think is wrong? What does he think Obama/Biden did to cause it? What plan has Trump outlined to fix it? A lot of the time when you dig a little you’ll find it’s all hollow underneath, and if there is any substance then usually the answer to at least one of those questions is not rooted in reality. Good way to triage how committed he is to Trump at least, depending on the level of denial he is able to maintain.

  3. Particular-Court-619 on

    Well any shit that is bad is bad because of the pandemic and that was Trump’s fault.  

    Don’t get confused and think the pandemic wasn’t Trump’s fault.  It was.  He took out all of our pandemic prevention folks from China, boom there’s a pandemic.  

    America is the leader of the free, global institution world.  When America pulls back and isolates, very very bad shit happens.  

    Do you want another pandemic?  
    Vote for trump 

  4. “Held power” is giving away a _lot_, as if presidents are kings. They’re not and require the backing of other factions. Trump wouldn’t have had as much impact if he didn’t have Republicans in Congress who have been working for decades to stack the judiciary with loyal party members. Trump was able to appoint three SC members in the course of four years thanks to this – Joe Biden has only had one appointee – and they directly led to _Roe v Wade_ being overturned.

    You might need to give your friend a lecture in how the federal government works, but if they’re only able to communicate based on these memes, it might be a futile endeavor.

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