Lyrics of Cardi B's 'Up': "hit him that good good make a n***a act right broke boys don't deserve no pussy" (its dumb that I have to censor the word or it will get deleted but I hope you know what the word is)

I've seen at least 5 songs with the title 'sugar daddy': one by Yuri Mrakadi, another by Qveen Herby, another by Inayah and another by Roxy Dekker, and lastly one by Nadia Batson. There is also a song called "sugar daddy" in Season 4 Episode 17 of Riverdale.

There is also another song by Iggy Azalea called "Money Come, the lyrics: "Come, baby, come, baby, money make me come (Bounce, come on, bounce)
Come, baby, come, baby, money make her come (Bounce, come on, bounce)
Keep my name out your mouth if you can't give me some (Bounce, come on, bounce)"

I'm sure there are more examples I don't really listen to such kind of music though. Why do you think this is so prevalent in female music, of this genre especially?

Posted by captainavery24


  1. Submission statement: A strange trend I’ve seen in music trying to convince women to be gold diggers and use men for money

  2. KeptInTheDarkness on

    The real ambitions are to sell sex, addiction and idolatry of the dollar overall. But mostly sex to an unbelievably heavy degree.

  3. Sigh.

    Some will say that this is a feminist response to misogony in black music.

    If so, the conspiracy is that the patriarchy has become so ingrained, that it has taken over feminism.

    If not, then it’s just more materialistic, self devaluing programming, as you’ve said.

    Either way, it’s an impossible topic to breach with anyone who is invested in pop culture, because there is so much emphasis on “female empowerment through tit for tat”, ie- girl bosses do what the boys do.

  4. Venerable_Soothsayer on

    I think this is part of the larger plan to break up traditional families. Programming women to only seek money while viewing men as a resource to be exploited has destroyed countless marriages.

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