Why do some SF homeless people choose the street over a bed?

Posted by N0b0me


  1. Because a lot of them, ironically also the ones who are most societally disruptive (small minority), often have severe and significant mental disabilities and substance issues.

    Sometimes people who have not been exposed to these people/problems very often seem to think that three hots and a cot will solve homelessness but some of these folks will inevitably backslide. It’s why the real policy prescription should be mandated treatment. However, i recognize the scary civil liberties slide that can turn into (which is why it was made so much harder to do in the late 20th).

  2. Numerous-Cicada3841 on

    If your choice is sleeping under an old bridge, in an alley-way hidden from the general public, in an abandoned building, etc… You might choose a shelter.

    If your choice is setting up a tent in some of the nicest public areas this country has to offer and hoarding all your stolen shit… You probably don’t choose a shelter.

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