Young adults say race, climate fears prevent them from starting families: ‘Shameful to want to have children’

Posted by davim00


  1. the_house_from_up on

    It really goes to show how something that people maybe should be aware of in some capacity is sold to people as an existential threat.

  2. Western-Relation2406 on

    Climate fears? Dude. Just ask Google how many banks are still issuing loans to people with oceanfront property. Idiots!

  3. As a millennial, my wife and I haven’t had children because we never felt like we could afford it – and now that we both have decent jobs, everything has gone to shit, and we still can’t afford it, because we can’t take the loss of income.

    We also don’t really *want* to be parents at the moment.

    One of my biggest fears is having a child and then resenting fatherhood.

  4. I will be concerned about climate change the second those telling me to be concerned about it stop flying private and start flying coach. Until then, clearly it’s not that big of a deal.

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