Trump Will Not Run In The 2028 Presidential Race If He Loses

Posted by jankdangus


  1. That’s fair. Most candidates in the same position don’t go for a third try, even if they are younger, and haven’t had the media, the opposition party and multiple assassins trying to get them. Trump has done a fantastic job, and I truly hope he wins, but afterwards the blood flow of the party needs to keep circulating. We need more fresh faces stepping up to carry on the work and drain the party of neocons and RINOs.

  2. Muted_Leader_327 on

    I would find it tragic if Trump ran again, because that would mean that he had become so narcisistic that he *needs* the office of President, a sacred office in this land, to feel good about himself. If he loses this time around, I hope he bows out and finds peace after the wild ride he has had this past decade.

    He will go down in history as, at the least, the Andrew Jackson of our day, and at the most, a Teddy Roosevelt-esque figure shrouded in legend, but he for sure will never be forgotten in US history.

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