FLASHBACK: FOIA emails reveal Bill Gates played direct role in banning effective treatments like Ivermectin/HCQ via his reps in NIH ACTIV working groups. So the world’s top COVID vaxx investor suppressed highly effective treatments to get his vaxx EUA and make $billions. Millions died unnecessarily

Posted by astralrocker2001


  1. astralrocker2001 on

    In November 2019 he starred in a Netflix show called “The Next Pandemic” in which he predicted a coronavirus outbreak starting in a wet market in China. His co-star was Peter Daszak, President of EcoHealth, the lab that made COVID-19 in Wuhan. They pumped mRNA.

  2. Historical-Classic43 on

    millions didn’t die from covid. that shit was the biggest hoax in world wide medicine. i don’t even wanna fucking hear it. numerous occasions we had uncle ricky end up in the hospital and died from a heart attack after years of cocaine use . deemed a covid death. my sister is a physician and even admitted there were so many suspicious deaths just deemed a covid death. Want to know why? because the hospitals were getting federal reimbursements on these “covid” deaths . Wake the fuck up . Biggest scam in the history of world wide medicine.

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