“It’s time that public school teachers got a raise!”

Posted by SAT0725


  1. SS: Great Joe, if only you were in some kind of position of authority where you could influence things somehow…

  2. It’s time they all got fired. Useless welfare leaches. Their legacy on this earth when they stand before God will be that they spent their lives indoctrinating and corrupting the children. I couldn’t imagine a much worse crime.

  3. I love how Biden keeps suggesting he do something that everyone agrees he should have done already.

    “Yeah, Biden, you’ve been in office in one form or another for like 50 years. I agree that it’s time you do something. “

  4. He’s pandering. Public school teachers get paid plenty. The average public school teacher in Denver where I live makes $62k and works an average of 180 days a year. That’s $350 per day. The average American worker works 260 days a year. At their average pay, if the average Denver Public School teacher worked as many days as the average American worker, their average salary would be $91k. That’s more than the average salary of almost all industries.

    I understand it’s an important job, but I’m sorry, you work 80 fewer days a year than the average worker, that’s almost 3 months. Plus you get incredible benefits and pension which most private employees don’t. I’m sick of the whole “Teachers are victims” narrative. It’s a pretty cushy gig that has tons of time off. I know it’s probably hard at times, like every job on earth, but I have no special sympathy for public school teachers.

    Oh, and by the way, our education outcomes are some of the worst in the western world. I’m over it.

    PS if you are going to downvote me, at least make an argument. I’m happy to genuinely engage with any of them

  5. The first time it was posted they probably noticed so much positive feedback in polling so they just kept re-using it.

  6. Teachers have always been paid decently In most areas since I was a kid in the 90s at least, yet this somehow always seems to be a talking point. I remember my 2nd grade teacher back in 97 or 98 telling us he made $45k a year. This was in a low COL town, and $45k was a decent amount of money back then. Especially when you get two or three months off.

    Teachers there now make $80k+  Nothing crazy, but let’s not sit here and pretend like teachers get paid like social workers or something. 

  7. I am not sure how this works in Canada either, but does the Feds dictate teachers salary? I assume this is just k-12.

  8. Yeah, as soon as their students perform better they would deserve a bump in pay. Right now, they should make less than what they’re making.

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