How will you survive the coming collapse. Thread is for tips and tricks for the possible coming collapse of WW3, also throw out your crazy theories about what could cause such a tragedy.

Posted by TheScreamingFart


  1. I’m leaning toward WW3 or economic collapse. You can’t convince me we’re not already in a depression. Either the war machine starts chugging or this place is about to fall apart.

  2. Well china and russias population doesnt change much on the same forceast either, hopeully im one of the 60 million still alive. Good luck to everybody! 😂

  3. This going to be be deleted or downvoated for sure. I’m wondering about the Deagel outcome for years now as they apparently have a good track record. Germany is also supposed to lose more then half it‘s population.

  4. Candy_Store_Pauper on

    The “tell” of the snapshot of this report is the military budget decrease. From 726 billion in 2013 to 8 billion in 2025.

    Whatever’s inbound is epically biblical. I speculate nuclear. No major change in population in 2024 to such a drastic change in 2025 wouldn’t be famine, or natural disaster without causing drastic shifts globally. Global numbers don’t decrease in lockstep.

    Stay safe.

  5. I bet you $100,000 that not only will the Deagle Report not come true in 3 months, but that world population overall will continue growing through this year and the next.

  6. The plan is to have nuclear war. It’s not a consequence of the plan, it is literally the plan. 

    What do you think happens when western missiles hit strategic targets in Russia? The Russians will view this as a precursor strike to a nuclear package. They will launch on warning. It doesn’t matter who is right or who is wrong in the Ukrainian conflict, what matters is what the Russians perceive as our intentions. Those intentions are the strategic defeat of Russia. We’ve tried almost everything to do this. Not much left to try, and the Russians know this. They will launch on warning. 

    What do you think happens if the Israelis manage to get the US to attack Iran? Iran is backed by both Russia and China. Iran will use its ballistic missiles and the Israelis will use their nukes. This will inevitably lead to everyone using their nukes because Iran would not be the only target for Israeli nukes. The Israelis call those nukes “Doomsday weapons” for a reason. 

    Despite all this, it’s full steam ahead in supporting those conflicts from every western government and mainstream media outlet. They are lying and omitting to bamboozle the general public into either not caring, or supporting these potential civilization ending conflicts. And then there is the censorship and internet brigades that attack anyone across multiple sites and internet platforms who dares to bring this up. Why? 

    Because it’s the fucking plan. There is way too much money and bullshit going into this for it to not be the fucking plan. 

    If you still can’t figure this out, make peace with your family members and friends. Make your peace with whatever God you believe in, and pray it’s better on the other side. 

  7. I don’t think a nuclear war will allow for any GDP or military spending. Instead, it would have to be some kind of disease that wipes most of us out, yet still allows the use of currency.

  8. Sinister_Saiyans on

    It’s sad. That most of the world is filled with good people, who love their families and friends, and just want to enjoy their lives. But a handful of evil people can decide it’s time for everyone to die. I fear for my son and the future

  9. Yep, we’re going broke orWorld War III here we come to keep this big machine chugging. I believe the only reason we are who we are is because of who we fight blow up business. Yaknow

  10. Man, the Vikings *finally* start doing good and the fuckin’ world is going to end?

    How typical of them.

  11. My thing is the world figures.. 7.1 billion world population to 6.9 billion doesn’t seem like “world depopulation” on the scale they want..

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