The Saturn Myth by David Talbott builds on the theories of Immanuel Velikovsky, who proposed that our solar system's history is far more turbulent than conventional science acknowledges. Talbott's work argues that in ancient times, Saturn was the dominant planetary body observed from Earth, and this prominence influenced the myths and symbols of early civilizations. According to Talbott, Saturn, not the Sun, was seen as the "Universal Monarch," a godlike figure dominating the sky, and this celestial body’s movements were recorded through a variety of myths and religious practices worldwide.

Talbott's research connects global myths such as the "eye of heaven," the "cosmic ship," and holy mountains, demonstrating that they all symbolically refer to Saturn's influence. He suggests that the myths of the gods were not mere fiction but actual accounts of astronomical events that shaped early human consciousness. This thesis challenges the modern perception that the solar system has remained unchanged and posits that early humans witnessed planetary upheavals that dramatically affected their cultures.

Understanding Talbott’s and Velikovsky’s work is essential because it reinterprets the origins of civilization. The myths and symbols that modern science often dismisses as imaginative stories could hold evidence of real, cataclysmic events that shaped human history. By ignoring this, humanity may overlook an important part of its past, encoded in ancient memories of planetary chaos. These theories push for a reconsideration of both our understanding of mythology and the history of the universe.

Posted by gringoswag20


  1. ss: In *The Saturn Myth*, David Talbott suggests that ancient myths and religious symbols across cultures all point to Saturn once being the dominant celestial body. He argues that many religious traditions, symbols, and myths—such as the “eye of heaven”—stem from this shared cosmic experience, aligning surprisingly well with his theory. This reinterpretation suggests that humanity’s religious and mythological origins are linked to real astronomical events involving Saturn.

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