🚨 Just finished watching The Future with Bill Gates on Netflix. If you’re looking for some hard-hitting journalism or even a mention of any major controversy around Gates, don’t hold your breath! 😤

For anyone expecting insight into his questionable associations or controversial activities, this documentary is a TOTAL whitewash. The producers conveniently skipped over Gates’ connections with Jeffrey Epstein (yeah, not a single mention 🦗), the mounting criticisms of his influence on global health policy, or the numerous allegations of monopolistic practices in the tech industry.

Instead, we’re treated to a parade of softball questions and surface-level topics that only serve to bolster his image as a benevolent tech genius-philanthropist. At times, it felt more like a PR campaign than a documentary. 📺 The episodes are packed with friendly interviews, where Gates is painted as a misunderstood visionary with the world’s best interests at heart. 💼🌍

Remember when Epstein’s name was tied to Gates a few years back? Or how Gates somehow became the unofficial face of global vaccination during the pandemic, despite having zero medical background? None of these issues get more than a casual nod (if even that) in this series.

The documentary’s tone shifts from being a faux-attempt at addressing “conspiracies” (like his involvement in tracking and vaccine microchips) to playing them off as absurdities without ever digging into the factual basis or real concerns people have. They mention the “weirdest” conspiracy theories just to laugh them off and reinforce a single narrative. 🧠

How does a documentary like this get the green light when it lacks any semblance of journalistic integrity? 🤨 Where’s the investigation into Gates’ foundation’s influence on WHO policies or his massive farmland acquisitions across the U.S.? 🌾 Maybe Netflix doesn’t want to bite the hand that feeds them?

Posted by appleman33145


  1. Submission Statement:

    This post highlights the glaring lack of investigative depth and journalistic integrity in The Future with Bill Gates on Netflix.

    The documentary glosses over major controversies, such as Gates’ ties to Jeffrey Epstein, his influence on global health policy, event 201, and his questionable business practices.

    Instead, it opts for a surface-level portrayal that only serves to bolster his public image. By sidestepping any meaningful critique, the series feels more like a PR campaign than a genuine exploration of Gates’ impact on the world.

    This submission aims to spark discussion on how media platforms may be complicit in whitewashing powerful figures and shielding them from scrutiny.

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