No, Madeleine Kearns. The battlegrounds cannot wait an evening. Not when Harris needs to use every remaining day before November 5th to make her case to voters.

Posted by Tayo826


  1. _KingFridayXIII on

    So Trump went to this event in 16, made a fool of himself, got booed, and still won? Author makes her own case for why this would be a dumb thing for Harris to care about.

  2. What isn’t mentioned is that Clinton was portrayed by the media as weak for following tradition and “singeing” him when Trump went full flamethrower, and Trump was barely criticized at all for going after her with both barrels.

    Harris couldn’t win in this forum: either she’s made out to look like a b-word who can’t take a joke without returning fire, or weak for not returning fire. You know the media’s chomping at the bit to get something on Harris and stop telling the world how well she’s doing versus Trump, in the name of centrism.

  3. turb0_encapsulator on

    The national media in NY and DC still don’t get it. She’s giving interviews to local news stations in swing states. She’s doing a brilliant job managing her social media. She doesn’t need you pricks.

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