Since all reddit likes to talk about trump 2025 let’s look at at what conspiracy theorists say about kamala 2025

Posted by DingleberryChery


  1. DingleberryChery on

    Submission statement: Many, including Elon Musk (who made this picture) are saying these are kamala’s true objectives for 2025

  2. Decent-Weekend-1489 on

    I don’t give a shit that my groceries are unaffordable, that rent is unaffordable and I’ll never be able to own a home, I don’t care that our education system has been dumbed down so much that people aren’t capable of thinking for themselves, and I don’t care that our food, water, air, and medicine are all toxic.

    The only thing I care about is giving illegal migrants gender affirming surgeries and sending billions of dollars to Ukraine and Israel.

  3. Oh no, another right wing meme about abortions and trans kids. Priorities!

    This is for the “cops have been defunded” people.

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