Restringing Transmission Lines Can Double Capacity

Posted by Agent_03

1 Comment

  1. This offers a fast and cost-effective way to beef up powergrids to incorporate much larger percentages of renewable energy. This enables more rapid reductions in carbon emissions, and helps unblock one of the key requirements to address climate change (decarbonizing electricity production). Running higher capacity advanced composite wires on existing powerlines could double transmission capacity… and it can be done without the years of permitting delays and approvals to construct new powerlines.

    This directly addresses one of the hardest obstacles for decarbonizing powergrids: limited transmission capacity. We’re already seeing deployment of low-cost advanced renewables limited by the ability to carry the electricity to where it will be consumed.

    In general, options for grid capacity expansion hav broad implications for our future energy policy.

    This also has a very nice synergy with [using sensors to expand the carrying capacity of transmission lines, by being able to directly measure line conditions rather than having to rely on extremely cautious models that limit how much power they can send](

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