The Justice Department filed a lawsuit against Alabama and its secretary of state on Friday, arguing that an effort to remove voters from state rolls was taking place too close to the Nov. 5 general election in violation of federal law.

While states are allowed to clean up their voter registrations ahead of an election, federal law says that must happen more than 90 days before an election.

Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen on Aug. 13 announced a crackdown on what his office called “noncitizen voters,” saying that more than 3,500 people who were registered to vote had been issued noncitizen identification numbers by the Department of Homeland Security. His office did not specify when those voters had received the ID numbers. – Source

Posted by External-Noise-4832


  1. ConnectionBubbly3306 on

    How much you want to bet that if someone actually looked into these names we’d find out they were comparing multiple databases based off of nothing more than name and most if not all of these 3500 people are actually citizens with the same or similar names as non citizens? And let’s give them the benefit of the doubt that this is a real effort and not a conspiracy to remove people with Hispanic sounding names, why are they waiting until weeks to go before the election when the people will have almost no chance to correct the issue if they were removed incorrectly.

    I just checked and Alabama does not allow same day voter registration so if you were removed incorrectly the only way to get re-registered in time would be to periodically check and ensure you are still registered.

  2. theoriginalbabayaga on

    The fact that it’s done within 90 days is specifically to target people of low means. Upper class people can do whatever it takes to get back on. Their arguments will automatically be believed.

    Marginalized people, who are often liberals, don’t have the same resources. Like a car, or a support network, etc.

    So make no mistake…it’s a tool of the right to strategically and drastically reduce eligible voters of opposing ideology, as close to election as possible.

    They say it’s for illegals, and a small % of that may be true….but the larger picture is more sinister. It’s a class war, it’s election interferences, it’s violation of constitutional rights, it’s racist, it’s bigoted, it’s pro-religion.

  3. The law is that they have to make these changes more than 90 days before so if they fuck up, people who were wrongly stripped of their voting rights have plenty of time to fix it.

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