Diddy offended the higher-ups and was punished for that.

Posted by PlayShelf


  1. He turned on his masters… the last straw I believe was when he allowed Luis Farahkhan, speak for an hour on the Revolt network where he called the “Jews” Satan. Diddy promoted this on his twitter and urged everyone to watch it. He had made a lot of enemies over his 30+ year reign. But he was protected because he followed the agenda set for him. Once he strayed and started to bite the hand the fed him. They removed their protection and set the wheels in motion. This is all a show, the are focusing on the horrible crimes he was able to commit under their protection. But, it’s a message for the ones in the club and put in positions of power to push the agenda. And the message is, follow your marching orders and never criticize our people publicly or we will take it all away. He is just a pawn, who in his mind was too big and powerful to be taken down. Well now we all can see that no one can stray from them without serious consequences.

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