France’s new interior minister wants immigration referendum

Posted by RaidBrimnes



    Bruno Retailleau, France’s new Interior Minister often described as “hard-right”, has recently given an interview to the *Journal du Dimanche*, a property of far-right billionaire Vincent Bolloré, in which he publicly regretted that the Constitution did not allow for a referendum on whether to stop immigration, and suggested a constitutional revision to allow such a referendum, which was a policy proposal of Marine Le Pen.

    I hesitated on pinging DEMOCRACY, as I wanted to bring attention to this particular statement by Retailleau which is currently causing a big controversy among the “central bloc” that is supporting the government:

    > Separately, speaking to Le Journal du Dimanche, the interior minister said, “**the rule of law is neither intangible nor sacred.**”

    We have come a long way from the “barrage républicain”, the tactical voting agreement between the left and the center (rejected by the current ruling party LR, btw), to withdraw candidates to prevent the far-right from taking power.

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