1. They just need to identify as being in Ukraine and immediately all the problems will go away.

  2. 2oreos-1Twinkie on

    That’s your government for yall they rather send 8 billion to Ukraine and Israel instead of helping nc

  3. Probably should post to collapse.

    Global warming, is currently accelerating – due to global warming gases.

    Now, in the case of large scale catastrophes, this is a good example of why the American propaganda of the strong successful individual leads to disaster.

    In other words, the American success story is global warming, death, and I am afraid, worsening reality.

    North Carolina could change it, but the core problem is one of corrution in the North Carolina legal system

  4. Unfair_Bunch519 on

    The government distributed aid and resources to the people who actually needed it in an equitable manner, while keeping the other eye focused on social justice against those whose ancestors committed heinous crimes against people of color.

  5. So let me get this straight…

    The people who want smaller government and wants to defund the government are the people now wanting the government to come in and save the day, despite the fact the government told them to evacuate and warned them this stuff would happen and will continue to happen in greater and greater frequency…

    Got it… they wanna talk a big game until something directly impacts them, then all of a sudden the government is the most important thing because they now rely on the government entirely…

  6. whippingboy4eva on

    But they want you to think all the things like universal healthcare and UBI would be handled well.

    Y’all. You’ll be waiting 5 years for your tumor removal while illegals get pushed to the front of the line. If you commit a thought crime, they’ll cut off your money supply.

    They hate Americans. They want us all dead. They want our bloodlines extinguished. They are depopulating us so their grandkids can enjoy the techno-utopia without our useless eater grandkids getting in the way. Wake up.

  7. Live near the area. FEMA was here within 24 hrs. Simply not true. Military helicopters have been running supplies not stop.

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