Warsaw condemns Moscow for abductions of children in Ukraine

Posted by BubsyFanboy


  1. !ping POLAND&EUROPE

    >During the Warsaw Human Dimension Conference, Minister of Foreign Affairs Radosław Sikorski criticized Russia for its abduction of Ukrainian children and emphasized the humanitarian and human rights crises resulting from its aggression towards Ukraine.

    >Launched on Monday, the 10-day Warsaw Human Dimension Conference dedicated to human rights and fundamental freedoms across Europe is being held in the Polish capital.

    >The event brings together more than 1,500 participants from the region of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), representing governments, international organizations, civil society, media, academia, and more.

    >Opening the event, Poland’s Foreign Minister condemned Russia for its ongoing kidnapping of Ukrainian children.

    >“Moscow is trying to rob Ukraine of its most precious resource – the next generation. Forcible transfer and deportation of children is tantamount to genocide,” Sikorski said.

    >“All perpetrators must be held accountable and brought to justice for their crimes,” he added.

  2. I think I’m only going to pay more attention to these headlines when they start saying “[country/leader] condemns in the strongest possible terms [Russian atrocity]…so they’re giving Ukraine long-range weapons to deal with it however they want.” Do these declarations mean anything substantial that I’m just not aware of?

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