On this day 69 years ago, the CIA released a secret report and photos that Adolf Hitler survived and hid in South America after the war

Posted by zlaxy


  1. Spooks_Corrupt_XXXXX on

    I’d guess that Martin Bormann cut a deal with Allen Dulles (who was in Switzerland) that Boorman and Hitler can go to South America but they had to turn over the technology for jets and rockets…out of which came Operation Paperclip. Boorman was Hitler’s right hand man (he was head of the Party) and Boorman also handled Hitler’s finances–so he knew where money was stashed.

  2. Since when do we believe anything an organization dedicated to deception and lying “officially” releases to the Public?

  3. Naturally_Fragrant on

    The story of Hitler fleeing to South America was fed to the CIA by British intelligence in order to cover up what actually happened, and what the British knew about what happened.

    The CIA genuinely believed the British information, and spent years on a wild goose chase before they realised they had been duped.

  4. BallsDeepTillUQueef on

    There was never an autopsy done on the dead body double. Instantly cremated to hide the evidence.

  5. ACLU_EvilPatriarchy on

    The preponderance of the evidence is the Vatican and Spain got him out of Continental Europe and down to Argentina.

    Better than the Boys from Brazil film.

  6. ImportantWords on

    Okay but why keep the mustache? Like if you knew the world was after you, that would be the first thing to go.

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