Hundreds of national security officials endorse Trump, warn of WWIII with Kamala

Posted by thatrightwinger

1 Comment

  1. thatrightwinger on

    I think this is important, because a few weeks ago, a bunch of DC insider Republicans announced they were supporting Kamala, most notably Dick Cheney and his daughter Liz. These swamp Republicans know that Donald Trump wants to clean up the Washington system and their influence and their friends’ jobs are on the line, so they’ll support the corrupt system rather than good governance.

    [This article]( breaks it down: former cabinet officials, gold star families, embassdors, former generals, and other administrative officials across Republican administrations from Nixon onwards are back Donald Trump.

    The question that must be asked is this: do you want four years that are very much like the last 3½ years, but even harder, or do you want the good economy, international peace and stability, and less government interference in your life and work that Trump brought about?

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