SS – I remember doing this in the late 80s early 90s. What the hell was their angle with this,

Posted by dazzleshipsrecords


  1. They did this in MA I only remember it because I never used mouthwash as a kid and at school the day when they made students do this i remember I swallowed mine and it freaked the nurses out. I remember I got to skip class and sat in the nurses office with the worst upset stomach of my life

  2. JazzlikeSkill5201 on

    If they make children sick and/or compromised in some way, more money will be spent on “healthcare”. Remember that compulsory public education was instituted in order to create workers who were smart enough to operate the machinery owned by the capitalist class. Public schools(and probably private schools, though maybe less directly) exist only to benefit the owner class. Everything that happens in those buildings is for the economic benefit of the owner class, and they managed to trick the vast majority of the population into believing it was about making their own lives better. If you have any idea what the state of K-12 schools is now(very, very bad and declining everyday), it’s pretty obvious “they” have determined we are no longer needed.

  3. SnooDoggos1370 on

    We did this in our rural schools for a couple years. I remember some kids must have had based parents and were excused because they brought a note. Wonder if our parents signed for this. But it was mandatory without a note.

  4. Commercial-Cod4232 on

    Getting kids prepared to take methadone…this is insane i never noticed this until i saw this photo here

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