Why is Biden throwing Harris under the bus? Is he angry at the Democrat Coup that took him out?

Posted by Reasonable_Mess_3327


  1. Well that is exactly the narrative in the media. With Biden not happy about Harris not thanking him enough for his accomplishments (that he thinks he has), plus being grumpy for being pushed out.

    So not sure what you are asking. Your question was answered in the last couple of days in the media.

    I saw Biden in a conference room about the hurricane aid and they had Harris connected thru a big screen he did not really seem to care for her and basically ignored her.

    Another thing is Biden has not made any campaign stops for her, so that tells a lot too.

  2. FFS_IsThisNameTaken2 on

    I thought basically everyone in DC hates her, especially her employees because she’s supposedly a tyrannical bitch to work for and be around.

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