‘Like being in prison’: Via Rail passenger says people stranded without food, water

Posted by IHateTrains123


  1. PoorlyCutFries on

    Not to be a defender of Via’s somewhat shit service but as someone who has used the service many times in the past few years this comes off and very very exaggerated.

    Admittedly I’ve never been on the Quebec-Montreal part of their service but I still think my experience is relevant. I feel like I hear about delays so often yet I’ve never once had a significant delay (beyond maybe getting in a few minutes late, but it’s only ever a few minutes). People like to act like our train service is worse than it is, it’s bad, but you don’t have to lie or exaggerate to make a point.

    Edit: I don’t mean to suggest they weren’t actually stuck for 10h, just that people tend to exaggerate issues with VIA in general when it comes to the frequency of these issues.

    I’m sure that this was a horrible situation but saying things like “it was like a prison” and “people were considering breaking the windows to escape” is just absurd. It’s not surprising Via was resistant to passengers just wander outside the train because they could open them upto even more liability.

    I’m sure they should have done more. But it sounds like they tried to do what to could to manage dozens of irritated passengers with limited resources and staff.

    Edit 2: okay I may be an idiot

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