Why Can’t the U.S. Build Ships?

Posted by eat_more_goats


  1. We have no manufacturing base after nafta. I always laugh when people say that we can defeat china in a war, we really can’t. They produced half of our stuff.

  2. GradientDescenting on

    The USA can build ships, the difference is that most of them go to contributing to the World’s most powerful Navy!

    Honestly, who cares if the USA doesn’t build container ships. They are relatively low-technology, just Archimedes Principle, so just outsource that to a country that can build them more cheaply.

    I doubt the limiting factor in global shipping is because the USA doesn’t build container ships, because the rest of the world wants to send goods to the US market regardless of container ship building capacity.

  3. SwordfishPresent3115 on

    The US can build ships, but maybe they’re just better at focusing on defense rather than commercial fleets.

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